Sovereign Conduct of Job Interviews

In a world where there are more job openings than applicants, it’s crucial to focus on the needs of the candidates:
The so-called “Candidate Experience” describes applicants’ experiences during job interviews and is crucial for the company’s success. The decision whether the candidate signs the contract depends two-thirds on how they experience the selection process.
The selection process is like the business card of the company. With unprofessionally conducted interviews, there is a high risk that well-qualified candidates will not sign the contract. So what’s important? The interview must take place on an equal footing. Both sides determine if they are a good match for each other. Research shows that money is not decisive for whether an employee feels comfortable. They want to be seen as a person, so listen to them! At the same time, you must not belittle yourself and offer everything just to get the candidate on board. Neediness diminishes sovereignty.
Make it clear to yourself:
What do I or the company have to offer?
What are the opportunities/the vision of the company/the position?
(Do not refer too much about the company, briefly describe the “Why” of the company)
What do you personally appreciate about the company? What might be disadvantages?
If you are open and honest instead of “painting a pretty picture”, it shows authenticity.
Authenticity convinces!
Approach the other person as a human being! This practice-oriented training aims to make you curious about the person behind typical response patterns so that you can make the “right decision” for your company.

Preparation is half the battle: What personalities do I already have in the team and what does the person I am looking for need to bring?
Conversation management and questioning technique: Aside from typical questions (strengths and weaknesses, etc.), how do I get to know the person, how do I draw the candidate out of their shell? How do I follow up, how do I interrupt? How do I find out what I really want to know?
Your own appearance and impact: How do I come across as a leader and how do I inspire the candidate about the position and the company?
Pitfalls and stumbling blocks: What are the classic traps and no-goes?
Practice test: Application of examples

Learning outcome:
Participants acquire a skill set to prepare for and conduct job interviews confidently, personally, and professionally. In a protected environment, participants learn to rediscover the job interview with interactive methods, reflect on their own behavior, and practice targeted conversation techniques so that they approach future interviews with motivation and strength.
Maximum number of participants: 8 people.

Duration: 1 Day
Target audience: Executives, recruiters